N&R Industries, Inc is a professional supplier and distributor of Pharmaceutical and Nutritional raw materials. Including Herbal Extracts, APIs, Food Ingredients, Amino Acids and Vitamins.
Based on reliable factories which can offer products with good quality and competitive price, equipped with advanced inspection equipments including, GC, HPLC and ASS. R&D, QC, and QA, we have been given specific duties to monitor the production process, and analyze product quality.
Prompt delivery and first-rate service, with our product quality has earned us sound reputation in the market.
Our Goals: Customer First Quality First Reputation First
主要市场 |
美加、中东、欧洲、东南亚 |
经营范围 |
公司主要经营医药中间体、原料药, 西安一品生物科技有限公司主要从事医药中间体、植物提取物、氨基酸、维生素等产品的研发、生产与销售!我公司长期供应白藜芦醇,淫羊藿提取物,白杨素 99%,蜂胶,小球藻,螺旋藻等产品。
欢迎新老客户来电垂询,我们将竭诚为您服务! |